Mentorship Programs

MGM School of Physiotherapy operates “Mentorship Programme” to enable one to one interaction between teaching faculty and students. Each mentor addresses academic and/or personal problems faced by students on a regular basis. The goal of this Mentoring Program is to connect undergraduate and post graduate students with a faculty to assist in providing an additional measure of personal and academic support for students as they navigate their college experience at the MGM School of physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai and navigate their pursuit of careers.

Which rightly means giving of a mantra or an initiation by the guru
This Mentorship Program Initiative is conceptualized keeping in mind the rich legacy the senior members in the fraternity are carrying and understanding the need to provide our students the career path and varied opportunities through these sessions

MGM SOP Presents "Gurudiksha" An interaction with on her journey as a physiotherapist of eminence Dr. Vikas Rajadhyaksha on ZOOM
MGM SOP Presents "Gurudiksha" An interaction with on her journey as a physiotherapist of eminence Dr. Hutoxi Writer on ZOOM
MGM SOP Presents "Gurudiksha" An interaction with on her journey as a physiotherapist of eminence Dr. Bharti Bellare on ZOOM
MGM SOP Presents "Gurudiksha" An interaction with on her journey as a physiotherapist of eminence Dr. Mangala Deshpande on ZOOM