MGM Center of Human Movement Science
About us
Origin & Background:
MGM Centre of Human Movement Science (MGMCHMS) was established under the auspices of MGM School of Physiotherapy, MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai in October 2015. It was supported by the International Society of Biomechanics and BETiC, IIT-B to address the urgent need to integrate clinical biomechanics in Indian healthcare.
The core team of MGMCHMS includes Physiotherapists collaborating with Mechanical engineers and human movement scientists from various National and International universities contributing with complementary skills on specific research projects.
MGMCHMS aims to provide comprehensive movement analysis facilities following neuro-musculoskeletal injuries (acquired and traumatic, such as amputations, sports injuries, joint replacement, diabetic foot complications, stroke, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease; and scientific basis to our Indian culture (classical dance, traditional sports, Yoga asanas)
MGMCHMS works in four major domains of:
- Research
- Training
- Technology validation
- Clinical services
The aim is to generate a task force within the country to undertake research & develop the science of movement analysis in India by conducting integrated training for clinicians & health care professionals within India to develop movement science for health promotion; reduction of rising burden of n0n-communicable diseases (NCDs) for e.g. diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy etc. and technology design for rehabilitation of movement disorders.
The mission to provide with comprehensive movement analysis facilities following injury/disorder at an affordable cost
Facilities at MGM Centre of Human Movement Science
MGM CHMS is spread over 2116 sq feet area, equipped with robust state of art technology for comprehensive evaluation of human motion; including 12-camera-system(Vicon,UK) for joint kinematic; three force platforms(AMTI,USA) for joint kinetics; FitmateMed (COSMED,Italy) for metabolic cost and Surface-EMG System(Delsys, USA) to measure muscle activity during motion. A pressure platform (Novel, Emed, Germany) evaluates foot-geometry and plantar-pressure distribution and Step-Watch-Activity-Monitor(USA) records daily walking performance. A core team of 4 Physiotherapy faculty members, 2 research fellows and master’s students in Physiotherapy contribute to academic, clinical and research activities of MGMCHMS.
MGM CHMS is located on the first floor of MGM Super Specialty Hospital in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. The lab is 92 ft long x 23 ft wide x 13 ft high.
- MGMCHMS has trained several clinicians and engineers, across India(Maharashtra, Kerala, Delhi, Gujarat and Karnataka) in diverse, knowledge-based applications of clinical biomechanics, particularly Human Gait.
- MGMCHMS also performed guided tours and short-term demonstration to spread awareness and disseminate knowledge of Biomechanics within and outside the state, amongst clinicians, health care faculty, students and engineers.
- Over 1200 clinicians, health care and engineering students have benefited from 11 training workshops conducted till date
Feedback of clinician trained in sports biomechanics under observership program at MGM Centre of Human Movement Science
Participants Feedback
Clinical Services
MGM Centre of Human Movement Science is committed to develop Biomechanics in India in all three domains (i.e. academic, research and clinical).
The team members at MGMCHMS performed intense work in all three domains.
MGM CHMS caters comprehensive movement analysis service to patients with impairments of gait, balance and foot pressure analysis; with various neuromusculoskeletal disorders such as cerebral palsy, stroke, peripheral nerve injuries, Parkinson’s disease, cerebellar disorders; musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis, foot deformities, pre and post arthroplasties, low-back pain, amputation, diabetes mellitus and sports injuries).

The thrust of inter-disciplinary collaborative research at MGMCHMS resonates with India’s national health priority to reduce rising burden of NCDs by exploring simple, life-style modification for health-promotion.
The Centre works towards designing technology solutions for health-promotion, development of indigenous prosthesis and orthosis for patients of polio, below knee amputation and patients with Neurological impairments. It attracts funding from intramural, extramural, government and non-government organisations
Research Output
- Mullerpatan R, Shetty T, Ganesan S. Awareness of risk factors affecting development of infants among mothers and pregnant women in rural setting of Raigad district of Maharashtra state in India. BMC Proceedings. 2024;18(5):69.
- Savla R, Mullerpatan R, Agarwal B, Kuttan V, Kumar S. Influence of Physical Activity Including Squat Exposure on Trunk Muscle Strength and Labour Outcome in Pregnant Women. Int J Exerc Sci. 2024;17(1):504-516. Published 2024 Apr 1.
- Desai PA, Mullerpatan R. Difficulties encountered in testing, scoring, and interpreting balance performance in older adults using clinical evaluation tools: a cross-sectional study. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences. 2023 Oct 1;10(4):713-21.
- Parab S, Shah LR, Padia N, Shetty T. Chair Yoga to Improve Flexibility in Individuals with Parkinson Disease. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2023 Dec 6: S0003-9993(23)00614-7. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2023.09.026. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38054917.
- Chhabra HS, Tamai K, Alsebayel H, AlEissa S, Alqahtani Y, Arand M, Basu S, Blattert TR, Bussières A, Campello M, Costanzo G, Côté P, Darwano B, Franke J, Garg B, Hasan R, Ito M, Kamra K, Kandziora F, Kassim N, Kato S, Lahey D, Mehta K, Menezes CM, Muehlbauer EJ, Mullerpatan R, Pereira P, Roberts L, Ruosi C, Sullivan W, Shetty AP, Tucci C, Wadhwa S, Alturkistany A, Busari JO, Wang JC, Teli MGA, Rajasekaran S, Mulukutla RD, Piccirillo M, Hsieh PC, Dohring EJ, Srivastava SK, Larouche J, Vlok A, Nordin M. SPINE20 recommendations 2023: One Earth, one family, one future WITHOUT spine DISABILITY. Brain Spine. 2023 Oct 6; 3:102688. doi: 10.1016/j.bas.2023.102688. PMID: 38020998; PMCID: PMC10668083.
- Shetty T, Mullerpatan R, Ganesan S. Influence of Crouch Angle on Postural Stability in Quiet Stance and Functional Tasks Among Children with Cerebral Palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 2023 Sep 22:1-4.
- Pandey RA, Johari AN, Shetty T. Crouch Gait in Cerebral Palsy: Current Concepts Review. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. 2023 Sep 30:1-4.
- Shetty, T., Ganesan, S. and Mullerpatan, R., 2023. Day II: Friday, March 24, 2023; 5.30 PM Plumeria 3: Disability, Validation studies, Cancer: AB No: 57 MGM Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Tool for primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: development and validation. Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists, 7(1), pp.74-75.
- Agarwal B, Mullerpatan R, Yadav R, Kapoor P. Day II: Friday, March 24, 2023; 5.30 PM Plumeria 2: Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal/Neurological/systemic disorders: AB No: 34 Biomechanical, biochemical and structural adaptations of knee articular cartilage to varying magnitude of squat exposure. Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists. 2023 Jan 1;7(1):72.
- Kuttan V, Shetty T, Parab S, Agarwal B, Mullerpatan R. Evidence-base for effect of team sports on physical, psychological, and social function in children with neuro-motor impairment: A narrative review. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.202335(2):41-58
- Evidence – base for effect of dance therapy on functioning in children with Neuro-motor disorders – A review based on ICF framework” – critical reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Akhila Natesan, Triveni Shetty, Rajani Mullerpatan, Shrutika Parab.202335(1):75-104
- Shetty T, Ganesan S, Johari A, Mullerpatan R. Gross motor function profile of children with cerebral palsy in a low-resource setting: A call for reflection on the model of care. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. 2023 Mar 3(Preprint):1-8.
- Assessment and comparison of agility in cricketers depending on their playing position –an observational pilot study, Shloka Jaywant, Victoria Kuttan, International Journal of Science. Year: 2022 | Month: July-September | Volume: 7 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 61-65.
- Mullerpatan R, Waingankar P, Parab S, Agarwal B, Nagrale O, Dalvi S. Pilot implementation of rural rehabilitation services, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2022 Nov 1;100(11):
- Kanojia AK, Bagwe HS, Agarwal BM. A review of the physiological effects of Suryanamaskar in children. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022 Jul 1;9(3):410.
- Costanzo G, Misaggi B, Ricciardi L, AlEissa SI, Tamai K, Alhelal F, Alqahtani Y, Alsobayel HI, Arand M, Balsano M, Blattert TR. SPINE20 recommendations 2021: spine care for people’s health and prosperity. European Spine Journal. 2022 Apr 7:
- P, Mullerpatan R. Functioning of Older Adults in Low and Middle Income Countries: A Literature Review. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2022;34(1). 66
- Patel G, Mullerpatan R, Agarwal B, Shetty T, Ojha R, Shaikh-Mohammed J, Sujatha S. Validation of wearable inertial sensor-based gait analysis system for measurement of spatiotemporal parameters and lower extremity joint kinematics in sagittal plane. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2022 May;236(5)
- Mullerpatan RP, Bharnuke JK. Differences in Foot Characteristics Between Bharatanatyam Dancers and Age-Matched Non-Dancers. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 2022 Mar 1;37(1):
- Agarwal BM, Yadav RP, Tambe SD, Kulkarni CC, Mullerpatan RP. Evaluation of Early Knee Osteoarthritis Using Biomechanical and Biochemical Markers. Critical Reviews™ in Biomedical Engineering. 2021;49(6).
- Vaidya SS, Agarwal B, Singh Y, Mullerpatan R. Effect of Yoga on Performance and Physical Fitness in Cricket Bowlers. International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 2021 Sep 22.
- Pahade AJ, Wani SK, Mullerpatan RP, Elizabeth Roach K. Indian (Marathi) version of the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI): Translation and validation in patients with adhesive capsulitis. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2021 Dec 19;41(02):139-46.
- Agarwal BM, van Deursen R, Mullerpatan RP. Electromyographic evaluation of spine and lower extremity muscles during repeated and sustained bodyweight deep-squat. Trends in Sport Sciences, 2021, 28(1): 19-27.
- Haldeman S, Nordin M, Tavares P, Mullerpatan R, Kopansky-Giles D, Setlhare V, Chou R, Hurwitz E, Treanor C, Hartvigsen J, Schneider M. Distance management of spinal disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Evidence-based patient and clinician guides from the global spine care initiative. JMIR public health and surveillance. 2021 Feb 17;7(2): e25484.
- Jinny P Kanjirathingal, Rajani P Mullerpatan, Girish Nehete, Nagarathna Raghuram. Effect of Yogasana intervention on standing balance performance among people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A pilot study. 2021; 14 (1) 60-70.
- Rajani Mullerpatan, Triveni Shetty, Yuvraj Singh, Bela Agarwal. Lower extremity joint loading during Bounce rope skip in comparison to run and walk. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. 26 (2021) 1-6.
- Dharod R, Shetty T, Shete R, Mullerpatan R. Effect of Plyometric Training on Explosive Power, Agility, Balance, and Aerobic Performance of Young Adult Male Kabaddi Players. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2020;32(3).
- Mullerpatan RP, Agarwal BM, Shetty TV. Exploration of muscle activity using surface electromyography while performing surya namaskar. International Journal of Yoga. 2020 May 1;13(2):137.
- Mullerpatan RP, Agarwal BM, Shetty T, Nehete GR, Narasipura OS. Kinematics of suryanamaskar using three-dimensional motion capture. International journal of yoga. 2019 May;12(2):124.
- Bharnuke JK, Mullerpatan RP, Hiller C. Evaluation of Standing Balance Performance in Indian Classical Dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 2020 Mar 15;24(1):19-23.
- Mullerpatan R, Bharnuke J, Hiller C. Gait kinematics of Bharatanatyam dancers with and without low back pain. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019;31(1).
- Nair SP, Kotian S, Hiller C, Mullerpatan R. Survey of musculoskeletal disorders among Indian dancers in Mumbai and Mangalore. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 2018 Jun 15;22(2):67-74.
- Mullerpatan R, Shetty T, Ganesan S, Johari A. Review of lower extremity function following SEMLS in children with cerebral palsy. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019;31(2).
- Shetty T, Johari A, Ganesan S, Mullerpatan R. Gait Deviation Index of Children with Cerebral Palsy with Severe Gait Impairment. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019;31(1).
- Iyer P, Shetty T, Ganesan S, Nair S, Rao N, Mullerpatan R. Exploration of sports participation in children with mild intellectual disability. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019;31(1).
- Mullerpatan R, Sonkhia M, Thomas B, Mishra S, Gupta A, Agarwal B. Review of Contextual Factors Influencing Function Following Lower Extremity Amputation in Low to Middle Income Countries. Crit Rev Phys Rehabil Med. 2019;31(2).
- Agarwal B, Advani M, van Deursen R, Mullerpatan R. Influence of varying squat exposure on knee pain and function among people with knee osteoarthritis. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2019;31(1).
- Agarwal BM, Deursen RV, Mullerpatan RP. Influence of habitual deep squatting on kinematics of lower extremity, pelvis and trunk. Int J Health Rehabil Sci. 2018;7(1):1-9
- Sahasrabudhe SS, Agarwal BM, Mullerpatan RP. Comparison of muscle activity and energy cost between various bodyweight squat positions. Clinical Kinesiology: Journal of the American Kinesiotherapy Association. 2017 Jun 22;71(2):19-25.
- Pisal A, Agarwal B, Mullerpatan R. Evaluation of Daily Walking Activity in Patients with Parkinson Disease. Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;30(3).
Technology Design and Validation
The centre is equipped with gold standard facilities to validate technologies designed to measure kinematics, kinetics ( joint force and power production), foot pressure distribution and energy cost of movement.
9 devices validated till date for innovators from : • BETiC – IIT Bombay; • IIT- Bombay; • IIT- Madras; • Industry - Actofit, Navi Mumbai; • Ambani School, Mumbai
Three innovations validated by the Centre have attracted awards from BIRAC & Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science (IRIS) National Fair 2016 (New Delhi)!!!!
Testing of device to detect posture in cyclists (Cyclos)
The device was developed by Mr Kunj Dedhia, a X standard student from Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai.
This innovation has won the Grand Prize at the Initiative for Research and Innovation in Science (IRIS) National Fair 2016 and has qualified to represent India at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 2017 to be held in Los Angeles, USA.
Testing of wearable motion sensing device (Actofit)
Actofit band is fitness tracker that automates comprehensive workout tracking and provides actionable insights.
Testing of mechanical actuated stance control knee ankle foot orthosis for post-polio patients
Mechanical actuated stance knee control knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) was developed by Aumeesh Tech Pvt. Ltd (Society of innovation and enterpreunership) an SINE (IIT-B and BeTiC incubated healthcare start up in the field of assistive devices and rehabilitation healthcare).
The design was validated on 3D motion analysis system and results revealed reduced energy expenditure of gait as well as new knee flexion angle.
This design was awarded 10,00,000INR grant from BiRAC, DST, Govt. of India grant.
Development of a powered trans-tibial prosthesis
It was a collaborative project between IIT-Bombay and MGMIHS, Navi Mumbai aimed for the people with below knee amputation.
Validation of an indigenously developed device for measuring stiffness of plantar tissue in people with Type II Diabetes
In the last two decades, there has been rise in diabetic foot complication; which in turn aroused a need for valid, sensitive and reliable tool for early detection of diabetic neuropathy. Since diabetic neuropathy leads to plantar surface hardening which can lead to changes in plantar cutaneous sensory threshold and tissue stiffness.
Hence, a tissue stiffness measurement device was developed and is now in process of being patented.
Innovator's feedback
Eminent Visitors
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan with Dr. Andrea Hemmerich (McMaster University), Prof Ravi B (BETiC, IITB) and Prof.Robert Van Deursen (Cardiff University)
“It has been a wonderful experience to be a part of building up this great facility so that Clinical Biomechanics can take off in Mumbai. Hopefully as a result of this India can become a leader in the research, specific to the culture and customs of this country. I look forward to a continued collaboration on this very worthy project.” - Prof. Robert Van Deursen
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr. Abhay Bang (Founder, Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health - SEARCH), Dr. Anand Bang (Joint Director, SEARCH) and Rameshwar Naik (Medical facilitator and advisor to Maharashtra government)
You are doing a remarkable is much needed job of combining science with service and research.
- Dr. Abhay Bang
Core team members of MGM CHMS with M/s Parwati Dutta (Founder-Director, Mahagami Gurukul and Mahagami Arts Research foundation, MGM University Aurangabad)
An enriching day looking at the excellent facility and research work. Looking forward to more visits and interactions. - Parwati Dutta
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr.B. Mohammad Asheel (National Professional Officer Injury Prevention & Disabilities, WHO India)
It was a great experience. Excellent facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and academic support. This Centre has the potential to be a torchbearer in India’s effort, to be a global hub on assistive technology. - Dr.B. Mohammad Asheel
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Prof.Pierre Cote (Director, Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Ontario Tech University, Canada)
Thank you so much for your hospitality and teaching. It is an honour and privilege to visit the Centre - Prof. Pierre Cote
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr. Vilas Sakpal (Honorable Vice Chancellor, MGM University, Aurangabad).
Excellent work in progress which is truly interdisciplinary. - Dr. Vilas Sapkal
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr. PS Goyal (Dean, Research & Development) and team from Pillai College of Engineering (PCE)
Excellent facility and very competent staff. Visit was very educative. - Dr. P.S.Goyal
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Mr. Balaji Ramamurti (Professional Education Manager, Johnson & Johnson Medical Device India)
Impressive lab with good equipment. Good potential in applying skills to real life orthopedic problems. - Balaji Ramamurti
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr. Anil Kakodkar (Director, RGSTC, Govt. of India), Shri Kamal Kishor Kadam (Hob’ble Chairman, MGM trust), Prof Ravi B (BETic, IITB), Drr. Chander Puri (Pro-Vice Chancellor, Research) and Dr. S. D. Dalvi (Hon’ble VC, MGMIHS)
Very happy to see the facility. Looking forward to witness a major thrust in interdisciplinary work. - Dr.Anil Kakodkar
Dr Rajani Mullerpatan and team with Dr. Murad Lala (Senior Surgical Oncologist, P.D Hinduja Hospital)
Amazing setup with a dedicated team. - Dr.Murad Lala
Contacts & People
Qualification:(PhD, M.Sc PT)
Qualification:MPTh (Neurosciences)
Qualification:PhD, M.Sc PT (Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy)
Qualification:MPTh (Musculoskeletal PT)
Qualification:MPTh (Cardiovascular and Pulmonary PT)
Reach Us
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MGM Center of Human Movement Science
022 2743-7866Address:
MGM Centre of Human Movement Science, 1st floor, Sector 30A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400705